Kelly Morris

kelly morris headshot

Kelly received her B.A. in Digital Communication with a minor in Sociology from The University of Texas at San Antonio where she obtained an internship in the field of Digital Marketing. This kick-started her love for all things marketing and helped her to find her place at Leadhub.


Kelly is a Taurus and a dog-mom to a Blue Heeler that she loves to take on long hikes! She also LOVES trying new foods, exploring fun places, and spending as much time out in the sun as she can (while wearing sunscreen, of course - #skincareforthewin)!

Leadhubbie Since
January 11, 2022
Account Executive

Industry Specific Integrations For A
More Powerful Result

At Leadhub, we’re not marketing generalists, we’re marketing specialists! That means we use every tool at our disposal to make your marketing strategies fine-tuned and focused for your industry. With dynamic technology and premier platforms, we’re able to analyze and develop bold methods that perform for your business.
Ready To Get Started?
Less waste, more money and peace of mind — marketing for the trades that works.